After being unhappy with my previous website for over a year, I decided to redo my site. I wanted it to be simpler, look cleaner, and work better on a variety of platforms. I finally settled on a theme and have been working to get things up and running. Keep in mind that while my camera gear is technical, I am not the most technically savvy photographer when it comes to anything other than my gear. Now 13 hours later, I am finally going to bed.

We leave for Washington, D.C. tomorrow morning and I haven’t even started packing. I have been told that despite my dislike of cold weather and the expected high temps in the low 30s (F), I cannot wear all of my clothes at the same time to stay warm. It will be far too cold for my Californian blood. So, I am off to see how many wooly sweaters I can stuff into my carry-on luggage. I will get back to the site next week and will have some photos from our trip to post. Thank you for your patience.

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